Insert brackets by keys in words
Insert brackets by keys in words

In your statement, you wrote: "I appraised him of the situation at about 4 o'clock.".(2) To show that text in a quotation did feature in the original. Reduced: "I don't want any yes-men around me even if it costs them their jobs.".I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their jobs." Original quotation: "I don't want any yes-men around me.(1c) Square brackets can be used to replace unnecessary text with (called an ellipsis).Amended: " is a contradiction in terms.".(1b) Square brackets can be used to modify a quotation.Amended: "It is a contradiction in terms.".

insert brackets by keys in words insert brackets by keys in words

  • Original quotation: "It is a contradiction in terms.".
  • (1a) Square brackets can be used to explain something in a quotation.
  • (1) To show that text in a quotation did not feature in the original.
  • Do not remove the pin(s) while the light is on.
  • (3) To show a plural option alongside a singular one.
  • Neil Armstrong was selected to join the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 1962.
  • insert brackets by keys in words

    (The additional information is usually an expansion or clarification of whatever preceded or an afterthought.)

  • The stegosaurus (the best-known herbivorous dinosaur) had a brain the size of a ping pong ball.
  • (1) To insert additional information into text. Using Parentheses (Round Brackets and Square Brackets) Round brackets have three uses:

    Insert brackets by keys in words